marți, 10 martie 2009

I'm happy (not in the Droopy way)

I wanna fly far far away from this place and from the petty people that I used to call friends...
De ce sunt oamenii atat de rai si de ce rautatea se transforma in prostie de la un anumit nivel incolo?
Niciodata nu m-am asteptat sa fiu inteleasa de altii...dar totusi credeam ca eu reusesc sa ii inteleg....revin la vechea mea idee mai bine un caine decat un om...
Dar la urma urmei eu am prietenii mei....oamenii care-mi sunt alaturi de cativa ani...oamenii care chiar ma cunosc si nu doar isi dau cu presupusul fara rost...
At this point on....I allready have everything I can wish all I can do about some extra people that keep bugging me is to ignore them...
Bye guys...see you when you grow up...i'm just to happy to care

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